
Menampilkan postingan dari 2017

My memories of Him

My Memories of Him For sure, it still ringing in my head. I can not possibly forget the person who has taught me so many things in life. I lived with him from the first day I came to this earth. 'Til finally the choice of life separated us. I chose a school away from home since grade 4, and I often came back home and met him during the school holidays. However, after long years we live separately since his choice and my choice is different, we are truly separated by destiny. He chose not to be with us anymore, and I chose mom. We left each other a couple years ago. Idk why. In recent months, I often think of him. Either because I've tried to get back to that place, or because something has happened to my family lately. I remember a few little things about him and some parts of my conversation with him years ago, most of which were his answers to my little questions. I sometimes do something similar to him, so it restores my memories of him. Like, I often find

Una's Memories - Mobility UUM

Tulisannya gimana ya, let's start with this. Hi shobs, my name is Una, I am a student at IAP Unsyiah, and now I'm a mobility student in UUM. Through this, I would like to share my kind of little story on what was me and other mobility students doing before registered as UUM Student. My thanks and honors to all lecturers from Unsyiah and UUM, also to the students, families, friends, and all seniors, that I think, they are more experienced than me. So, the first thing we did before entering Malaysia, was waiting for the visa, because we're going to study for more than 1 month, so student visa is needed. It takes about 2 months processed by the institution and immigration office. Yas, quite a long time. Thus, here I am, really appreciate anything and hoping, for all persons who are responsible on this visa processing, in the future, they can be more responsible on it, make it easier and faster for students. And for students, I suggest to kindly and politely ask them for he


Suatu ketika pada malam yang dingin karena suhu air conditioner yang memuncak 16°C, aku sendirian, ditemani beberapa bayangan pantulan lampu tidur yang menambah pandangan mata sebelum tidur. Saat itu, aku memikirkan tentang hidup yang indah ini. Dunia ini yaa seperti itu, mengulang aktivitas yang sama setiap harinya, nan bagus bila dia berimprovisasi menjadikan pribadi lebih baik lagi namun menyedihkan bila terasa semakin hari semakin meredup. Cinta, kapan dia datang. Ku rindu. Bukan karena dia pernah hadir lalu pergi dan berjanji akan kembali. Namun karena, terasa seolah aku pernah merasakannya sewaktu masih seumur jagung muda. Ya, cinta Ayah dan Ibu. Sesaat terlintas, bagaimana kelak cinta halal nan sejati menyapaku sedangkan aku tak pernah lagi merasakannya, sebab sudah dirampas oleh adikku terkecil. Namanya saja aku telah menjadi seorang wanita, 20 tahun sudah mengecap pahit manis asam asin hidup dunia ini, cinta orang tua telah menjadi do'a untuk setiap harinya dalam mas


Orang seperti apakah aku ini? Bagaimana dengan masa depanku kelak? Apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh orang seperti aku nantinya? What am I thinking about? Aku adalah seorang mahasiswi saat ini. Umurku 18 tahun. Jika dihoroskopkan, aku berbintang aquarius, yang katanya pembawa air, namun sampai sekarang aku tak mengerti apa maknanya karna tak pernah percaya tentang ramalan yang tidak masuk akal. Bayangkan saja, bagaimana mungkin beberapa pribadi yang katanya ‘semua orang itu berbeda’ memiliki sifat dan watak yang sejenis. Dunia ini aneh, tapi aku ada didalamnya, secara agama, dunia adalah perjalanan singkat. Ya, sangatlah singkat, ibarat fairytale, no one knows, whether it ends happily or not. Going back to the first sentence, about me, this is the story of me. RUNNER-UP PERSON Yep, aku memang tak pernah menjadi yang pertama, dapat dikatakan aku hampir juara. Second child, second friend, yeah second best in class, in every place. Maybe, ini hanyalah apa yang aku pikirkan tentang a