
Menampilkan postingan dari 2015

PATHETIC LOVE STORY; I dropped my heart into a big hole.

Girls, if you guys read this sad-stupid-tragic-love-story of a pathethic-crazy-little-girl, I hope you all will get some learning from this. I have a message for you guys, don’t ever try this at home and please don’t laugh, because actually this is not a funny story or a happy ending fairytale, this is a sad story. Long long time ago but not very long as this opening statement, 4 years ago, exactly on september 2011, I was one of the high school’s smartest student. I sat with my best friends forever together never have better than this, we were talking something fun and we were at the same voice of laugh but I did it louder. And then, suddenly outside the door, I saw him. He was the most handsome-awesome-and wonderful around his friends at that time. I didn’t know who is he, where on this earth he comes from, and why his smile is brighter than others. I also didn’t know what was my heart feels, if I’m not mistaken, people called it as love at the first sight. I won’t believe it (a...

Exclussive Experience-Tidak akan terulang lagi

Assalamu'alaikum. Hello world. Now I'm 17 years old. I'd like to tell you about one of my biggest adventure of life. I'm very gratefull of what I've got in my life right now. okay, let me tell you.       Ini tentang pengalaman dalam menggapai cita, membanggakan orangtua, dan merangkai masa depan. Setiap anak pasti punya mimpi. Dan setiap orangtua pasti bangga ketika anaknya meraih impiannya itu. Anak yang berilmu, berakhlak dan beradab adalah kebanggaan orangtua. Sekarang ini aku hanya mencoba membanggakan orangtuaku, specially my mother. Ibu bilang padaku kalau Ia mencari berkah rezeki untuk menyekolahkan kami setingi-tingginya. Sampai kami menjadi anak yang berguna untuk agama, bangsa dan negara, Ibu akan senantiasa mendoakan dan mengupayakan segala usaha. Untuk menggapai mimpi memang tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan. Tapi upaya ibu merawat kita hingga dewasa tidak ada bandingannya dengan apa yang kita alami selama mengais masa pendidikan. Ingatlah has...