
Accepting, letting go, healed.

Never had I ever thought that I will be in this state of mind. I wish I could be stronger. I listened to one “NAK podcast” yesterday, about HIKMAH.  Which can have so many meanings depending on the situation. It’s a wisdom, learnings, the book (Qur’an), the lesson, messages. It will be in any things happen for us living in this world (Ust. NAK, 2023).  I also listened to a podcast or was it from a youtube? — I forget where is this from but here what it says, “All things that happen are neutral,  what makes you extremely sad or happy are things —could be from past or future, mostly past— that you relate to that one single thing happening at the present time. That is what creates your emotion/feelings” “For example, today is just another ordinary day of yours, you wake up (but still late), that was fine, supposed to be something just fine. But your thought makes you feel so bad Because you think “Why is this happening again”. Then you relate it to something bad that happene...

Australia Awards Scholarship Application Experience!

p.s. T ulisan ini berisi dan berdasarkan pengalaman dan cerita pribadi hingga tentu akan lebih bijak untuk kamu memilah mana yang baik diambil dan pelajari lebih lanjut. You're going to read many many "Alhamdulillah" in this story hehe, cause I cannot help myself feeling so grateful for all things that happen in my life, ups and downs.  Tentang AAS  Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS), spesifiknya Long Term Awards yang akan aku bahas berikut, adalah beasiswa untuk melanjutkan studi master/pascasarjana dan PhD dari DFAT (Pemerintah Australia) atas dasar tujuan kerjasama antar-negara dan pembangunan. Untuk setiap masyarakat Indonesia, tentu siapa saja boleh mendaftar beasiswa ini asalkan memenuhi persyaratan yang bisa dipelajari di website Australia Awards Indonesia ( Australia Awards Indonesia team juga hampir selalu mengadakan acara sesi informasi Beasiswa Australia Awards yang bisa dikunjungi terutama u...